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A day of togetherness for Altar servers and Girl's sodality of Bela Church.

" Receive the light of Christ and be the bearers of light to the world". Highlighting this theme of the day the Altar Servers and Marian Sodality association of girls of our parish celebrated their day on 27-02-2022, Sunday, with a meaningful Eucharistic celebration celebrated by Fr. Anil Avild Lobo. All the Children, the members of these association, actively participated in the liturgy of this celebration.

After the Holy Eucharistic celebration, Fr. Anil distributed prizes to the winners of various competitions held for these children prior to this celebration. The participants of celebration were treated to a delicious food thereafter.

As a part of the celebration they were taken to a short outing to Bekal fort, Pallikere amusement park and beach.

The full day celebration turned out to be a very joyful event for all children who enjoyed every item of the day .

Both these children's associations remain grateful to the parish priest, Fr. Stany , Fr. Anil and the parishioners for the cooperation.

The entire programme was meticulously planned by

Br. Denzil, the co-ordinator and the animator of the Altar Servers' association and Sr. Christella, the animator of Marian Sodality association.

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