Very Rev. Fr. John Vas, who had been the Parish Priest of Our Lady of Dolours Church Bela for the last three years was given a warm send off by ICYM Bela on Sunday July 11 2021 at 10.00AM in church mini Hall .
ICYM President Maxi Roshan DSouza, welcomed the gathering. John DSouza (vice - president parish council) ,Sr.Carmin (superior -St. Bartholomew convent ) ,Sr. Annie (superior -Dominic convent ) highlighted his achievements, his service to the institutions and church and expressed their gratitude for his selfless Service.
Fr. John Vas has touched the hearts of many faithful during his tenure as a Parish Priest, and that will be cherished by all those who had very close encounters with him.
Rayan Pradeep read the Letter of Honour. John Crasta felicitated Fr. John Vas and both superior of convents and Jyothi DSouza (secretary -parish council) flower garlanded Fr. John Vas. Letter of Honour was presented by Rayan and ICYM memento by president- Maxi.
In his address, Fr. John Vas with a joyful heart thanked all ICYM members and well wishers for their support and co-operation during his period from 2018.
Johnson proposed vote of thanks and master of the ceremony was done by shiny Maria (Secretary -ICYM Bela)
All youth took group photo and concluded the program with light refreshments.